Property Hunter Events Company Course Jan-Apri’21

Between Jan-Apr’21 Coach Jasmine conducted a 4 month group and team coaching program with the employees of Property Hunter, Sabah. The objective was to help the team rediscover their purpose, direction, and realign goals to be in line with the company’s vision and direction. See attached for Graduation ceremonies and the CEO’s final testimonial of […]
Kota Kinabalu Toastmasters EXCO 2019-2020 Apr-June’20

The Kota Kinabalu Toastmasters Club engaged Coach Jasmine to intentionally grow the team’s spirit and camaraderie as well as realign their individual growth and personal development. They chose the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Mastermind Course and here are some of their testimonials and takeaways during Graduation dinner at Coach Jasmine’s home, including a quick […]