Everyone Communicates Few Connect (8 weeks) April – June’21 intake
The first LIVE Online sessions for Everyone Communicates Few Connect course was conducted fully online between April- June’21 with 15 enthusiastic participants from various industries.
Connecting Principles and Practices were shared and here are some of the participants’ feedback on the course:
“It was something new to me and really opened my eyes about connecting.”
“Love it, very helpful tips and lessons for life and connecting with others.”
The Course:
Through 8 sessions Coach Jasmine shared tools and tips of connecting based on John C Maxwell’s book Everyone Communicates Few Connect. Through stories, anecdotes from the book, her own life and John Maxwell himself (through Minute with Maxwell videos); participants were able to learn, apply and share their newfound tools of communication throughout the week through assignments before the next session.See attached brochure for topic summary of each week, starting with Connecting increases your influence in ALL areas.
Timetable: Wednesdays 9-10pm.
For more details on when the next ECFC public online course intake will be, connect with Coach Jasmine or click here to enroll. https://www.coachjasmineleong.thejohnmaxwellteam.com.my/product/everyone-communicates-few-connect/
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